Since the beginning, five (5) Benelux companies have been participating in the project:
- De Jong Verpakking
- Smurfit Kappa Benelux
- Pacapime, Belgium
- DS Smith Packaging Benelux
- VPK Packaging, Benelux
These five corrugated companies have collaborated within the CBA Steering Group F&V trays to create and support the Benelux CFQ Standard. Up to now, around 13 tray types have been approved.
Participation rules for Benelux corrugated companies
The Corrugated Benelux Association (CBA) has introduced a Common Footprint Quality (CFQ) standard for the Benelux fruit and vegetable trade and industry. The strength and durability of the CFQ trays produced in the Benelux countries, will be rigorously tested to ensure the trays are fit for purpose and in optimal condition for handling and transportation, when leaving the corrugated manufacturer. It is a guarantee for our clients, producers, traders and retailers.
CBA works closely with FEFCO. The European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers is now introducing the CFQ logo across Europe, in order to ensure that trays from various origins can be easily stacked together.
The introduction of the standard in the Benelux countries will harmonize the good practice that already exists within CBA participating companies. Carrying this CFQ logo will show a high level of quality in terms of stackability, strength and durability.
CFQ application form for companies that are members of CBA
(download, fill in and mail to